Kira Hamilton: Feeling the Gains as I Become a Dane

Name: Kira Hamilton
Home University: University of Texas at Austin
Summer 2014 Courses at DIS: Health Delivery and Prioritization in Northern Europe, Children in a Multicultural Context, and European Genocides

I have started to fade out of being a tourist this past week.  I am starting to feel like I live here and can find my way around, or even give someone directions. I have met several Danes at my kollegium who I have become friends with and frequently eat ‘family dinner’ with during the week.

Blown away by the experience and friendships from these first three weeks
Blown away by the experience and friendships from these first three weeks

As I dive deeper into my Danish life, I find myself mentally noting places I want to show my family and friends when I inevitably come back to Copenhagen in the future. But for now, I have used these first three weeks to get my footing in this new city and in my new Danish life.

Taking time to 'smell the roses' at Frediksborg Castle
Taking time to ‘smell the roses’ at Frediksborg Castle

So far, these are the 10 key things I have learned over the past three weeks are (there are many more, but these are the highlights):

  1. When in doubt, wear black
  2. Good walking shoes are a must
  3. Take time to just sit and take in the experience
  4. Bring aspects of yourself into this new place (finding your place in the city and at DIS)
  5. Asking questions is the best way to find things at the grocery store
  6. The best way to break the ice is trying to pronounce a Danish street name or food
  7. Don’t be afraid to talk about friends and family back home, people want to share their stories
  8. Remember that part of the study abroad experience is the ‘study’ part
  9. Be a tourist at first, but not the whole time. Expand your horizons
  10. Don’t be afraid to learn and get lost in the experience, it’s a once in a lifetime type of thing
Exploring Frederiksborg Castle, looking forward to the next two sessions of the summer
Exploring Frederiksborg Castle, looking forward to the next two sessions of the summer

I haven’t quite wrapped my head around the fact that some of the friends I have made here are leaving for the summer while I am staying here until August. Although I will miss the friends I have made who are going back to the States, I am excited to see what these next two sessions at DIS will bring!

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