Three Weeks Gone in a Flash

As Session 1 came to an end, I was sad to be saying farvel to my course, Meaning of Style, and peers. However, I cannot put into words just how excited I am for my course during Session 2. This Session, I will be taking Children in a Multicultural Context, which is an education and developmental course looking at how children who are considered multicultural are incorporated into school systems. We will be taking a Study Tour to London next week and thus will be primarily comparing the education systems in Denmark and the United Kingdom. I know that these three weeks will fly by, but I am so excited for what I am about to learn and see.

Last field study with my Session 1 class where I got to take the mirror selfie to a new level.

I decided to do three Sessions instead of just one so that I could have the study abroad experience without missing out on my time at Whitman College. Therefore, spending three Sessions at DIS in one city would deliver as close to the traditional study abroad experience as I could get.

Rural Denmark from my first Study Tour with “Children in a Multicultural Context”

Because I stayed for multiple Sessions, I decided to travel during the long weekend in between Session 1 and Session 2. I went to Madrid with my roommates! I will be visiting family between Session 2 and Session 3. The long weekends provide time to travel to a new city and also enjoy Copenhagen.

My roommates and I posing in an astronaut.

I can’t wait to go to London and to learn more about the Danish education system. I am two days in so far and am already blown away by the differences between the education system in the States and in Denmark. I am excited to see what else I learn while analyzing the Danish, British, and American education systems.

One final photo, taken at Toledo where we had the most beautiful weather!


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