Allemansrätten by the Season

Despite being Sweden’s capital and home to a million people, Stockholm has an abundance of nature. In fact, green spaces are never further away than 300 meters from residences. You would be surprised by the number of times you feel like you’re somewhere in the middle of nowhere, even right in the city center.

Roaming the city’s green spaces, you possess an advantage that you might not be aware of. Allemansrätt, literally ‘freedom’ or ‘right to roam,’ grants you access to public and private land for recreation or exercise purposes. The allemansrätt is part of the Swedish Constitution and has also become a popular part of Swedish culture. And why wouldn’t it be? It’s healthy, rewarding, you discover a lot of new places, and free!

There are plenty of opportunities to use your right to roam all year round in Stockholm:

NICK Flatens
Flatens Nature Reservate


Fall is the best time to take a refreshing walk. The leaves have bright and warm colors at this time of the year, making one of the national parks the perfect place to go to. Djurgården is located closest to the city center. For the real experience, take the tram all the way to the final stop Waldemarsudde. This is where the national park is at its best! If you want to be a bit further out of the city, Tyresta National Park and Flatens Nature Reservate are your best bets. The scenery is outstanding!

NICK Hellasgården
Ice skating on a frozen lake in Hellasgården!


With temperatures far below zero in Sweden, you can ice skate on frozen lakes! A go-to destination for many Stockholmers is Hellasgården, and it is easy to understand why: It is reachable by bus from the underground T-bana stop Slussen, equipment rental is offered, and there is a lovely cafe at the area’s entrance. And, a hole is carved out of the ice so you can jump into the ice-cold water after a visit to the sauna. Would you dare?


Get active once more; the kayak season begins! Choose between different types of kayaks and get a different view of Stockholm’s skyline. At Rålis Kajak, you can rent kayaks and life vests for affordable prices, based on the amount of time you want to spend on the water. Paddling between Stockholm’s islands and managing the tides, this is bound to be fun regardless of if you’ve gone kayaking before or not.

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Take the boat and leave Stockholm behind. Yet, no need to go too far. Stockholm’s Archipelago consists of more than 24 000 islands. Many of them uninhabited, making them the perfect place to exercise your allemansrätt and live the archipelago life. Explore the islands, swim, or bring a disposable barbecue – everything is possible. Tip: some of the biggest and inhabited islands are trafficked by Stockholms Lokaltrafik, meaning that you can reach them using your public transport travel card!

About the Author

Nick-Doggen-Headshot-blog-postsNick (age 22) studies environmental social science at Stockholm University. A Dutch native, he moved to Stockholm two years ago. Although once the very worst at finding artsy coffee places and affordable restaurants, he now has an eye for what’s going on in the city. Likes: hiking in nature and spontaneous meet-ups with friends. Still afraid of the dark Swedish winters.


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